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Tour Photos Link Rewiew >> Review:GRAVITY´S RAINBOW

The melancholy piano introduction to Gravity's Rainbow, Pat Benatar's 11th studio release, is titled "Pictures of a Gone World." Though this brief composition fits the album's themes – tranquillity is past, turmoil reigns – it also refers to the singer's career. So you thought her out-of-left-field blues recording True Love (1991) made her wimpy? "World" ends with a forceful slam of the keys, segueing into a rock track.

Benatar the rock diva still can be heard – but she is older, wiser and socially aware. Instead of issuing threats like "You Better Run" and "Treat Me Right," Benatar is now troubled by passivity and alienation. What sets her apart from other former rebels with a cause is her delivery. "Disconnected" shows that she knows how to pack a punch, and its sizzling instrumental break showcases the band – husband and co-producer Neil Giraldo on guitar, Frank Linx on bass and Myron Grombacher on drums. It's a headbanger.

"Everybody Lay Down" is a rhythmic anthem, the type of melodic hard rock that remains Benatar's winning formula. In fact, it's so catchy that the irony of the lyrics may be lost: "Everybody give up ... nobody hang tough." The simplistic "Somebody's Baby" isn't as sly in its statement that every homeless person was once cared for as an infant. While relying on maternal instinct for social commentary has worked for Benatar in the past ("Hell Is for Children," "Suffer the Little Children"), the song's message soon grows tired.

Gravity's Rainbow is evenly divided between assertive and gentle tracks. Every Time I Fall Back" extols emotional support, while "You and I" – more lullaby than power ballad – notes that "nothing matters more." Benatar may feel snubbed by the reaction to True Love, but she's learned how to compromise: The acoustic "Rise (Part 2)" has a bluesy back-porch feel, and "Crazy" jumps and swings without sounding dated. Her voice is in great shape – that was never the problem. Benatar is capable of performing blues, opera and cabaret material, but she merely comes across as studied. The real truth is in the delivery, and with Gravity's Rainbow, Benatar sounds genuine once again. (RS 666)



SOMEBODY'S BABY (Giraldo,Giraldo)

From Synchronistic Wanderings:

Pat: I love this song. If I looked at this song as a child, this would be the child who never quite achieved what he or she deserved. Despite all of his or her wonderful qualities and attributes, its siblings, for whatever reason, achieved more. Even though they were far less gifted. It's heartbreaking.

When I wrote the lyrics to this song, it tore me up inside. Every day I'd see examples of how little we cared for one another as people. How insulated and numb we were all becoming to the pain and suffering of those around us. I thought to myself, "How did we get to this place ? Where was our compassion ? These people we looked upon with disgust, disdain, indifference, all started their lives as infants, someone's child. Somewhere in time they were cared for and loved. At some point they mattered to someone."

That's how the song began. I was so hopeful that the song would be noticed and it would inspire others to reflect. Unfortunately, the powers that be didn't share my enthusiasm. Money was the priority, as usual. After three weeks of working the song, they "bailed". It killed me. We had made the most incredible video (if you've never seen it, try to get a copy. It will be so worth it.). Being the optimist that I am (and relentless to the end), I hope to re-record the song and give it the chance it deserves.



He used to be somebody's baby
Someone used to hold him close, and rock him gently
He used to be the light in someone's eyes
He used to matter, he used to matter
Someone cared if he lived or died
Someone held him in their arms

When he cried
And when he hurt, someone kept the world away
Someone loved him, someone loved him

He used to be somebody's baby
Someone used to hold him close

and rock him gently
He used to be the light in someone's eyes
He used to matter, he used to matter
He used to matter

That was then, that was so long ago
Long before they came and took his soul
Long before, he became invisible
That was when, he wasn't human garbage then

He used to be somebody's baby
Someone used to hold him close

and rock him gently
He used to be the light in someone's eyes
He used to matter

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